Mortgage advice Blog

Obtaining a mortgage with bad credit is more common than you might think. Each year in the UK, thousands of individuals face financial difficulties that result in various credit issues. Let’s take a closer look at some statistical data to better understand the prevalence of bad credit:

  1. County Court Judgements (CCJs): According to the Registry Trust, there were over 332,000 CCJs issued in the UK in 2020 alone.
  2. Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs): The Insolvency Service reported that there were approximately 31,527 IVAs registered in England and Wales in the first quarter of 2021.
  3. Bankruptcies: In the same period, there were 2,384 bankruptcy orders granted in England and Wales, as reported by the Insolvency Service.
  4. Defaults: The Consumer Credit Trade Association estimated that there were over 2 million defaults issued in the UK in 2019.

These numbers are not meant to discourage you but rather to emphasize that you’re not alone in facing bad credit challenges.

Nationwide Cuts Mortgage Rates: What You Need to Know!

It Looks Like It’s Time for a Mortgage Chat Over Tea, Mate! Fancy a chinwag about mortgages over a cuppa? Brilliant! Let’s dive right into the recent buzz from Nationwide about their rate reductions and what it means for you, especially if you’re navigating the sometimes choppy waters of bad credit mortgages. ### Nationwide’s Rate Cut: A Breath of Fresh Air! First things first, let’s put it out there: Nationwide has knocked off up to

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Navigating The Complex World Of Mortgages

Navigating the mortgage landscape can be a daunting task, especially if you have bad credit or are unfamiliar with how mortgage lenders determine lending criteria. Recent headlines about the dispute over high interest rates on “Whistletree” mortgages, however, bring to light important lessons for anyone looking to secure a mortgage. Here, we’ll delve into the case and offer some helpful tips on how you can navigate the mortgage world and find the best deal –

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Understanding the Current Mortgage Interest Rates and Advice

If you’ve been watching the mortgage market closely, you might have heard the cheerful news: mortgage interest rates are dipping! Indeed, there’s a sense of optimism amongst borrowers, especially with Nationwide reintroducing fixed mortgage deals that have an interest rate below 4%. But, what does this mean for you, especially if you’re seeking a bad credit mortgage or looking for valuable mortgage advice near me? Understanding the Current Mortgage Interest Rates Nationwide’s recent move to

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The Recent Dip In Mortgage Rates: What You Need To Know

Are you excited to hear about the recent dip in mortgage rates? Whether you’re a seasoned homeowner or a first-time buyer, this is great news, especially if you have a bad credit history. Borrowers are witnessing some of the lowest five-year fixed mortgage rates in a long time, thanks to changes in the financial landscape. Now might be the perfect time to explore your options. ### Understanding the Recent Trend in Mortgage Rates For the

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Navigating Mortgage Debt in Retirement: Expert Solutions for You

Are you nearing retirement and worried about your mortgage debt? You’re not alone. More and more people are entering their golden years with sizable mortgage balances. According to data from the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, the share of Americans aged 75 and over carrying mortgage debt has spiked from just 5% in 1995 to an astounding 25% in 2022, with the median debt rising from $14,000 to $102,000. That’s quite a leap! But worry

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Navigating The Uncertain UK Mortgage Market: A Friendly Guide For Bad Credit Borrowers

Navigating the Uncertain UK Mortgage Market: A Friendly Guide for Bad Credit Borrowers Hey there, future homeowners and savvy mortgage shoppers! If you’ve been keeping up with the buzz around mortgage rates, you’ll know that the UK market is currently in a bit of a whirlwind. With major lenders like Nationwide Building Society shaking things up and potential interest rate cuts from the Bank of England on the horizon, it can feel like you’re caught

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Unveiling the Untold Story

While many websites touch upon the basics of getting a mortgage with bad credit, there are certain aspects that often go unnoticed. At Quest Finance, we believe in providing comprehensive and transparent information to our clients. Here are some lesser-known facts about mortgage advisors and the process of securing a mortgage with bad credit:

Quest Finance: Your Partner in Overcoming Bad Credit

Now that you’re equipped with a better understanding of the world of mortgage advisors and the possibilities they offer, let’s talk about Quest Finance. We are a reputable financial advisory firm that specializes in helping individuals with bad credit secure mortgages. With our expertise and dedication, we have successfully guided numerous clients on their path to homeownership.

At Quest Finance, we strive to provide personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs. Our experienced mortgage advisors will analyze your credit history, financial situation, and aspirations, creating a customized plan to help you secure the mortgage you need. We work with a vast network of lenders who specialize in bad credit mortgages, ensuring that we can offer you the best possible options.